Saturday 6 October 2012


I suppose I should start by saying something about myself and why I have started a blog.
My name is Becky. I work in pastoral care in a secondary school. I live in a village just outside Bath, surrounded by lovely countryside. I am very lucky! Having grown up in Plymouth and then lived in Bristol I can definitely say I am much more at home now living in the country, I’m definitely a country bumpkin at heart!
I love all things vintage: fashion, music, home-wares. The vast majority of my spare time is spend making craft projects. I make a lot of my own clothes and items for my home. I have recently started knitting again (my nan will be proud!) and I am absolutely food and cooking obsessed!
So why start a blog? I am often asked by people about how I made an item of clothing or asked for ideas for projects. My hope with this blog is that I can collect all my projects together in one place, hopefully offer idea and inspiration to my readers, and also pick up some tips when things go wrong! I will be posting vintage fashion finds, photography, recipes, and craft ideas.
I really hope I inspire someone to have a go at something new! More than that I just hope you enjoy reading this little blog!
Thanks for stopping by!
B x

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